Le seul système de clé d'action disponible dans le commerce qui entoure et soutient l'anneau du récepteur et le tenon de recul pour répartir les forces de couple potentiellement dommageables de manière égale. La base en acier solide possède un relief usiné unique pour dégager le tenon de recul sur la plupart des fusils à verrou de type Mauser et, les têtes individuelles à visser sont usinées pour fournir un ajustement exact autour et contre l'anneau du récepteur ou le écrou de canon pour chacun des modèles d'armes à feu listés. Ensemble, elles soutiennent le récepteur dans un anneau d'acier et augmentent considérablement la surface de prise pour éliminer totalement les
The only commercially available action wrench system that surrounds and supports the receiver ring and recoil lug to distribute potentially damaging torque forces equally. The solid steel base has a unique, machined relief to clear the recoil lug on most Mauser-type bolt action rifles and, the individual, bolt-on Heads are machined to provide an exact fit around and against the receiver ring or barrel nut for each of the firearm models listed. Together, they support the receiver in a ring of steel and greatly increase the amount of surface gripping area to totally eliminate twisted bolt “ways” or damaged, ruined receivers. This is the most advanced, complete, professional-quality, Action Wrench System. With it, you can prevent expensive receiver damage on MOST popular rifle actions, including military models, plus, models for selected handguns. Flat on one side of head to fit most lever actions and some single shot receivers. Machined 45° V on back side of head can be used with shims on odd-shaped receivers when no other head will fit. Will fit Ruger® M77® and French MAS.